Unable to show the form (process mode start node form )when the user click on button.


I have a process model with a start node that will trigger an interface.

Now, I would like to call this process model when a specific button/link is clicked. When I try to use the below code, it is actually initiating a process model, but it is not loading an interface form where the user can enter data through form elements/fields.

Am I missin anything here. Can somone advise please. Thanks.

  buttons: a!buttonLayout(
    primaryButtons: {
        label: "Submit",
        value: loggedInUser(),
        saveInto: a!startProcess(
          processModel: cons!AT_ConsCaptureEmployee,
          processParameters: "",
          onSuccess: "Ok",
          onError: "Not Found"
        submit: true,
        style: "PRIMARY"
    secondaryButtons: {
        label: "Cancel",
        value: true,
        saveInto: ri!cancel,
        submit: true,
        style: "NORMAL",
        validate: false

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