How to get differnt buttons for different approvals

I have this requirement where at manager approval the form should have approve button for two task of the form .when its for approval(cons!TM_APPROVAL_TASK)) and assignment(cons!TM_ASSIGNMENT_TASK,)

here is the code :

local!isManagerteam: isusermemberofgroup(loggedInUser(), cons!NTD_GROUPS_MANAGER_TEAM),

local!approveText: if( and(local!isManagerTeam,or(cons!TM_ASSIGNMENT_TASK,cons!TM_APPROVAL_TASK)),

if( local!isAnalystTeam,cons!TM_BUTTON_ESCALATE,cons!TM_BUTTON_APPROVE)),

. Manager group is  also part of the  analyst group.when ever i am trying , its giving the escalate button instead of approve.

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