Drop Down values - Records

Hi readers,

I would like to know if this is possible, i have a interface where it has a drop down which should have list of values from record types.


In the below table when entering data into Table-A it would be in a normal way; But when entering data into Table-B we need to enter ID_A as well right, So i am thinking to keep a dropdown in this place, where i can keep the list values present in  ID_A Table-A

Table-A is as below

ID_A(PK) Job_Role Company_Name
1 DBA ABC.ltd
2 SysAdmin ABC.ltd
3 HR ABC.ltd

Table - B is as below

Member_ID Name Phone_Number ID_A(FK)
1 SSR 1234567890 1
2 RC 0987654321 1
3 NTR 6789054321 2
4 RRR 1234567098 2
5 MB 0984562348 3

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