Error using Start Process Link in an Interface

Certified Senior Developer


I am trying to use startProcessLink in a grid view Interface so that an user can edit the selected record by selecting a location Name. This is my first time using this method. 

When I am selecting an entry, I am getting an error message:

 An Error Has Occurred No process parameter found corresponding to override [name=pv!locationId]. Non-parameter process variables cannot be overridden.

        label: "Location Name",
        sortField: "description",
        value: a!linkField(
          links: {
              label: fv!row.description,
              processModel: cons!BC_PM_ADD_LOCATION,
              processParameters: { locationId: fv!row.locationId }

My process model is working fine. So how and where do I fix it? 

Please advice me. 


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  • Have you marked the variable 'locationId' as a parameter?

    Also, for your use case I recommend looking into record actions

    It's a much better design pattern and allows your uses to open forms in dialogs instead of a new page.

    Also, I recommend setting your form as a Start Form

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Danny Verb

    Hi Danny, 

    Thank you for your inputs. I haven't marked Location Id as a parameter. I have location parameter of CDT type and cancel as parameters. 

    I tried using the record action but not able to pull in the action in my interface. I manually typed the name manageLocations.

    I am getting the error: Could not display interface. Please check definition and inputs. Interface Definition: Expression evaluation error at function a!recordActionField [line 4]: Invalid index: Cannot index property 'actions' of type Text into type RecordType

              action: 'recordType!{853ab9ac-cf5f-4aa8-950b-97bb7de9adab}BC Location'.actions.manageLocations

    Also, you mean to say that I should add the below form as start form?  or the add/edit form as start form? Please clarify. 


  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Danny Verb

    Hi Danny, 

    Thank you for your inputs. I haven't marked Location Id as a parameter. I have location parameter of CDT type and cancel as parameters. 

    I tried using the record action but not able to pull in the action in my interface. I manually typed the name manageLocations.

    I am getting the error: Could not display interface. Please check definition and inputs. Interface Definition: Expression evaluation error at function a!recordActionField [line 4]: Invalid index: Cannot index property 'actions' of type Text into type RecordType

              action: 'recordType!{853ab9ac-cf5f-4aa8-950b-97bb7de9adab}BC Location'.actions.manageLocations

    Also, you mean to say that I should add the below form as start form?  or the add/edit form as start form? Please clarify. 

