User Picker populates then goes blank

Hi all - I'm having trouble with the User Picker field to populate a rule input with a specific user.  I'm able to search and select a user. it shows for a split second then goes blank again.  When run in Design Mode, it does populate my rI! field, but at runtime, just shows then goes away. What am I missing?

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    Certified Senior Developer

    Hi, I think your value is not getting saved. Can you check your value and saveInto parameter of the picker field? If possible try to print the value on ui and see whether your selected value is getting saved or not. It also happens when you use sub interfaces and rule inputs are not mapped properly between parent and child interface.

  • Right, it's not getting saved.  When I test in Design Mode,  it does save to the rule input, just not a  runtime. I tried creating the ri as a text datatype and also as  User datatype.   And both  as an array and not array.  Regardless, shows saved in Design, but not at runtime.

    I AM able to save it to a local variable, (which shows the user name as an array  with the UserIdentifier), but not sure how to get from localV to RI.  The local DOES save and stay populated runtime.

  • Right, it's not getting saved.  When I test in Design Mode,  it does save to the rule input, just not a  runtime. I tried creating the ri as a text datatype and also as  User datatype.   And both  as an array and not array.  Regardless, shows saved in Design, but not at runtime.

    I AM able to save it to a local variable, (which shows the user name as an array  with the UserIdentifier), but not sure how to get from localV to RI.  The local DOES save and stay populated runtime.
