Value not getting updated for a paragraph component in Site

Hi Team,

We are using a paragraph component in our form-layout interface. We are saving its value in a rule input. Though the paragraph would be visible, it would be allowed for editing only when a specific condition is met.

The rule input gets updated in an interface but in site page the value is neither getting updated nor reflected in the component. It just disappears.

The form is called via a related action from a record type.

Below is the code : 

label: "Closure Notes",
labelPosition: "ABOVE",
helpTooltip: "Maximum 1000 character allowed without extra space",
value: ri!closenotes,
saveInto: ri!closenotes,
disabled : ri!status<>"Closed",
refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS",
characterLimit: 1000,
height: "MEDIUM",
required: if(status="Closed",true,false)

Please let me know how to resolve this

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