selectable grid

Certified Senior Developer


I have a requirement where, I have to be able to show the goals for a employee to resubmit as a step after he selects and submits the goals for the first time incase, he/she needs to add/remove any. The local variable 'FunctionalGoals' contains the list of master data as a type from which they can choose goals(1st cdt). It has only goaltype, subtype as columns in this case. The 2nd local variable 'SubmittedFunctionalGoals' contains the goals that have been submitted for the 1st time by the employee(2nd cdt - Transaction table), This has the remarks and startdate and enddate columns. There is a 3rd local variable 'SelectedFunctionalGoals' Which has the new goals which the employee selects (storing this as I need to make the respective remarks and startdate, enddate editable and required for that row). so fetching the remarks and startdate and endate for the submitted goals(1st time selected goals) is what I am stuck with.

Hope I am able to convey the issue properly as its a bit complex.

Thanks in advance

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    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Mike Schmitt

    Hi Mike,

    Apologies for the confusion, So Initially there is an interface where I submit the goals and the checked goals should have the remarks and dates fields editable and mandatory, In that case I used the the variable -'selectedFunctionalGoals' variable to store the indices so that I can use them to check in the respective fields here.

    But, Now I duplicated this interface to work on the resubmission, where

    1.) The new goals can be selected( their respective remarks and dates should be enabled and mandatory in that case) 

    2.) The Goals selected during the submission first time(fetched and stored in local variable- 'SubmittedFunctionalGoals' For the resubmission interface(this interface) ), should be shown in a editable manner with their respective remarks and dates. 

    3.) The user should be able to add new goals or remove the goals selected during the submission or update/edit the goals submitted during submission.

    The goal name is being fetched from one CDT(Master). The remarks , start and end dates are in another CDT( Tx table).

    Hope that's clear to some extent.