Input masks on date controls

I'm new to Appian and my users are asking to have an input mask on date controls.  They don't want to take their hands off the keyboard so they don't want to click on calendar controls, etc.  When entering dates they don't want to have to enter the /'s either.  Is it possible to use an input mask such as __/__/____ so the user can enter 01012022 and the control converts it to 01/01/2022 prior to executing validations.

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  • Hi, I'm not sure whether is possible to do that when you have a dateField component. But, for sure you can do this with a textField.

    Here is a plain example of a textField and a dateField above it. The user can write the date inside the textField in the format you asked "MMDDYYY" and the saved value will be converted to "MM/DD/YYYY" format. The dateField will show the date value correctly. Of course you don't need the dateField to be present. This is just for validating the value. 

    Just keep in mind that In the textField you have to include some validations regarding the format of the inserted date or use the helpTooltip or instructions configuration in the textField.

    i.e if the user gives as a date 31122021  ("ddmmyyy") then a validation message should appear warning about the wrong format.

  • Hi, I'm not sure whether is possible to do that when you have a dateField component. But, for sure you can do this with a textField.

    Here is a plain example of a textField and a dateField above it. The user can write the date inside the textField in the format you asked "MMDDYYY" and the saved value will be converted to "MM/DD/YYYY" format. The dateField will show the date value correctly. Of course you don't need the dateField to be present. This is just for validating the value. 

    Just keep in mind that In the textField you have to include some validations regarding the format of the inserted date or use the helpTooltip or instructions configuration in the textField.

    i.e if the user gives as a date 31122021  ("ddmmyyy") then a validation message should appear warning about the wrong format.
