start process link doesnt reload original interface

Certified Associate Developer

Hello community,

Can you help me with configuring start process link so that it refreshes the original interface instead of "ending" in the news tab of tempo?

Once the link is clicked the process that is configured with chaining runs and shows the task, the task just shows information, the task is assigned to initiator.
If the task is submitted, the process does end, but I cant see the original interface refresh when I test it.

If I run the test again, the interface shows the information that was previously shown on screen in the task and saved to DB.

Behavior is fine except the reload original interface part.

Kind Regards,


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    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Stefan Helzle

    just checked, I got message action completed in Tempo, and again task screen is closed, will check something else, I made a box with the link saved that as an interface and call that interface in a parent interface, maybe must get an output of the process that is being called and show that on refresh of the interface where the link is in. And will search if there is a an example of the start process link, or indeed make a less complicated test process.

    Kind Regards,


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