I have a Record Action generated with the automatic feature by Appian that allows me to add new records to the record type, the CREATE action.

How can I customize it so I can add more items before saving the form?

This is an example of what I want:

And this is what I have, so right now I have to add items one by one:

EDIT: I know that the one I've seen is done with an editable Grid and Allowing the "Add Row Link" feature, but I would prefer not to have it in a Grid, is that possible?

Thank you so much!

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  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer

    This is a bit tricky to answer since it's hard to assume what your current setup is, as well as your experience level with Appian.

    In general i'd want to tell you first off, your interface should probably feature an Editable Grid, which is what's seen in the top screenshot, and each data field saving its value into members of a CDT Array in the Rule Input.  The 'Add Row Link' would simply force a new, blank row into the end of the array, which the user would then need to fill out all the fields of before submitting the form.  After the user has added all the data they'd like, they will click the Submit button and the process will save all rows as new entries in the matching Database table.  There are many, many more potential aspects and details to this, but the above is a high-level summary that should get you started hopefully.

  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer

    This is a bit tricky to answer since it's hard to assume what your current setup is, as well as your experience level with Appian.

    In general i'd want to tell you first off, your interface should probably feature an Editable Grid, which is what's seen in the top screenshot, and each data field saving its value into members of a CDT Array in the Rule Input.  The 'Add Row Link' would simply force a new, blank row into the end of the array, which the user would then need to fill out all the fields of before submitting the form.  After the user has added all the data they'd like, they will click the Submit button and the process will save all rows as new entries in the matching Database table.  There are many, many more potential aspects and details to this, but the above is a high-level summary that should get you started hopefully.
