what is data type for radio button in data base?

Certified Associate Developer

in DB we use tinyint (type), afterwards we create a interface from builders use table 1(where radio button contains like gender either male or female) but it is different from db to interface data type then how to do?

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  • A radio button is a type of data entry field that allows users to select one from a group of options. When you create a radio button, you specify the name and ID for the option, as well as its base value. The user can then choose between explicitly selecting this option or leaving it open so that any value entered will be applied to all instances of this radio button.

  • A radio button is a type of data entry field that allows users to select one from a group of options. When you create a radio button, you specify the name and ID for the option, as well as its base value. The user can then choose between explicitly selecting this option or leaving it open so that any value entered will be applied to all instances of this radio button.

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