Add Icon libraries to APPIAN


Is there a way to add the popular Icon libraries to an Appian Application??? Like FontAwesome ,etc.??

I saw this response :

You can always upload your icons as documents, then utilize a!documentImage() to display them. If you have a specific use case, feel free to share it here.

Anyone knows if this approach can be applied to all UI controls without restriction e.g. In buttons, BoxLayouts, Grid Headers, Grid rows?

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  • Unfortunately you won't be able to apply this theory in areas with text-valued "icon" inputs such as a!buttonWidget(icon: "abc"), or a!richTextIcon(icon: "xyz").  Those components will only allow you to select from Appian's currently available icon library.

    The work-around suggested only applies where you can utilize a!documentImage(), such as within a!imageField().  In this situation, you would upload each icon as an individual document object, and they could only be displayed as such.  But, you cannot apply a!documentImage() where "icons" are expected.

    Otherwise, at this time expanding Appian's "icon" library with your own is not possible.  But, they have been adding to their listing regularly (way more available than I've ever used!).

  • Unfortunately you won't be able to apply this theory in areas with text-valued "icon" inputs such as a!buttonWidget(icon: "abc"), or a!richTextIcon(icon: "xyz").  Those components will only allow you to select from Appian's currently available icon library.

    The work-around suggested only applies where you can utilize a!documentImage(), such as within a!imageField().  In this situation, you would upload each icon as an individual document object, and they could only be displayed as such.  But, you cannot apply a!documentImage() where "icons" are expected.

    Otherwise, at this time expanding Appian's "icon" library with your own is not possible.  But, they have been adding to their listing regularly (way more available than I've ever used!).

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