Invalid content ID (document deleted)

Through a form in an interface, I upload files or images and it is stored in my db as a number (I guess it's the ID, image bellow). The images are stored in a folder in my KC

This is the expression of my fileupload

            label: "Cedula: PARTE FRONTAL",
            labelPosition: "ABOVE",
            target: cons!CWA_OEC_DOCUMENTS_FOLDER_POINTER,
            fileNames: ri!CWA_OECClient.coeccedula&"_"&"c1_frontCI",
            maxSelections: 1,
            value: ri!CWA_OECClient.coecfile1,
            saveInto: ri!CWA_OECClient.coecfile1,
            required: true,
            validations: if(
              or(upper(fv!files.extension) = { "PDF","PNG","JPG" }),
              "Please upload a valid image type: png or jpg"
            uploadMethods: { "CAMERA", "CHOOSE_PHOTO", "CHOOSE_FILE" },
            buttonDisplay: "LABEL_AND_ICON",
            buttonStyle: "PRIMARY",
            buttonSize: "LARGE"

I deleted all the files and images of my KC, and now i cant see the other data of my db in the summary view.

When I go to the summary of a record to see the other data I get this error

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