other radio button to keep at end of dynamic list of radio buttons


Assume radio buttons A,C, Z, Other, F (db gets data in this manner) we can easily sort but other should be at end of the list

The order is alphabetic but other to be end

Using Query Records

  • Ant
  • Cat
  • Frog
  • Z
  • Other

if we just do sort, we can get below which is wrong as per req

  • Ant
  • Cat
  • Frog
  • Other
  • Zebra

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    Certified Lead Developer

    This completely depends on how you're currently getting your radio button options.  If it's just a manually-defined array of labels and values, for example, you would simply add an "other" option to the end. Or is it DB-backed? In that case you would simply need to append a label of "Other" to the end of the current list of labels, and decide on some value that would correspond to the "other" selection and not overlap with any of the existing ones.  If you'd like to post some sample code and/or screenshots, that would go a long way as far as helping us make some educated guesses as far as helping you figure out how to structure this correctly.

  • Thanks

    I did append and it works


    getrecord without 'Other' using filter{}


    getrecord ONLY with 'Other' using a!queryFilter in queryRecordType() and batchSize=1


    I did this as we have language and some dynamic data, cannot hardcode Other with some key etc.

    Its all DB driven.