connecting two interfaces

Hi all,

I'm creating a mobile application, ance and I have 3 interfaces. I want the user when signs in moved to the other interface. is there anyway to do this? or any guidance in appian documentation? because I couldn't find any 


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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    You're going to have to explain a bit more as to what you mean by this.  What do you mean by "moved to"?  Do you mean all users, or certain ones?  Is there a reason you can't define User Start Pages based on user groups, and direct appropriate users to appropriate sites as needed by their group memberships?  If you're talking about some other functionality then it's very unclear based on what you've described here.

    the user when signs in moved to the other interface
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    You're going to have to explain a bit more as to what you mean by this.  What do you mean by "moved to"?  Do you mean all users, or certain ones?  Is there a reason you can't define User Start Pages based on user groups, and direct appropriate users to appropriate sites as needed by their group memberships?  If you're talking about some other functionality then it's very unclear based on what you've described here.

    the user when signs in moved to the other interface