Updating DB in a new row instead of existing row

Certified Associate Developer

I have form where I need to update the DB for an already existing row with the Date details. But when I clcik on submit it is creating a new row. Please help.

  label: "Employee Leave Application ",
  contents: {
      label: "",
      contents: rule!ELT_EmployeeDetails_Summary(
      columns: {
          contents: {
              label: "Start Date",
              labelPosition: "ABOVE",
              value: ri!EmpLeave.leaveStartDate,
              saveInto: ri!EmpLeave.leaveStartDate,
              validations: {}
          contents: {
              label: "End Date",
              labelPosition: "ABOVE",
              value: ri!EmpLeave.leaveEndDate,
              saveInto: ri!EmpLeave.leaveEndDate,
              validations: {}
      label: "Reason for Leave",
      labelPosition: "ABOVE",
      value: ri!EmpLeave.leaveReason,
      saveInto: ri!EmpLeave.leaveReason,
      refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS",
      validations: {}
  buttons: a!buttonLayout(
    primaryButtons: {
        label: "Submit",
        saveInto: {
          a!writeToDataStoreEntity(dataStoreEntity: cons!ELT_EMPLOYEE_DETAILS,valueToStore: ri!EmpLeave),
          a!save(ri!EmpLeave.updatedBy, loggedInUser()),
          a!save(ri!EmpLeave.updatedDate, now())
        submit: true,
        style: "PRIMARY",
        loadingIndicator: true
    secondaryButtons: {
        label: "Cancel",
        value: true,
        saveInto: ri!Cancel,
        submit: true,
        style: "NORMAL",
        validate: false

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  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer

    In order to perform the update operation,the primary key- employeeId- should not be null. 

    Pass in the context for EmpLeave cdt when the form loads. This way when the form loads EmpLeave will not be empty but will be populated with the data in all fields including the Id one. That will resolve the issue. By passing the data for rule input, you can use the same CDT to populate Employee Details section as well instead of calling the query rule to return the employeeDetails again. 

    So from wherever you are calling this interface pass in the input as rule!ELT_getEmployeeDetailsByUser(loggedInUser()) against EmpLeave rule input.

  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer

    In order to perform the update operation,the primary key- employeeId- should not be null. 

    Pass in the context for EmpLeave cdt when the form loads. This way when the form loads EmpLeave will not be empty but will be populated with the data in all fields including the Id one. That will resolve the issue. By passing the data for rule input, you can use the same CDT to populate Employee Details section as well instead of calling the query rule to return the employeeDetails again. 

    So from wherever you are calling this interface pass in the input as rule!ELT_getEmployeeDetailsByUser(loggedInUser()) against EmpLeave rule input.
