Hi everyone,
I have a line chart showing the number of cases created/ closed within the day, and I want the color scheme of the trend lines and legends consistent, which are:
Case Closed: Blue,
Case Created: Green
I have a filter list for case type, and this is where I found the inconsistent issue.
For example: If I choose case type = 1, the color theme is consistent with above setting (Closed: Blue, Created: Green)
However, if I choose another case type = 3, the color is other way round (Close: Green, Created: Blue), which might confuse users.
If I set pre-defined color scheme different than CLASSIC (E.g. SUNSET), the color scheme will be consistent after applying filter, but then it become inconsistent again if there is any new closed/created case.
a!lineChartField( data: a!recordData( recordType: 'recordType!Case Status', filters: { a!queryFilter( field: 'recordType!Case Status.fields.caseTypeId', operator: "IN", value: ri!caseTypeId, applywhen: not(rule!AAA_CMN_IsEmpty(ri!caseTypeId)) ), a!queryFilter( field: 'recordType!Case Status.fields.dateTime', operator: ">=", value: subtractdays( datetime( year(now()), month(now()), day(now()), 0, 0, 0 ), local!days ) ) } ), config: a!lineChartConfig( primaryGrouping: a!grouping( field: 'recordType!Case Status.fields.dateTime', alias: "CaseDateTime", interval: "DATE", formatValue: cast(typeof(""), todate(fv!value)) ), secondaryGrouping: a!grouping( field: 'recordType!Case Status.fields.status', alias: "CaseStatus" ), link: a!dynamicLink( value: fv!selection, saveInto: { local!selectedDataRecord, a!save( local!selectedDate, fv!selection.CaseDateTime ), a!save( local!selectedType, if( fv!selection.CaseStatus = "Cases Created", "CREATED", "CLOSED" ) ) } ) ), label: "", labelPosition: "ABOVE", yAxisTitle: "Cases", showLegend: true, showDataLabels: true, showTooltips: true, showWhen: rule!AAA_CMN_IsEmpty(local!selectedDate), colorScheme: "CLASSIC", height: "MEDIUM", xAxisStyle: "STANDARD", yAxisStyle: "STANDARD" )
In below photos, you can see the inconsistent color in the the legent and lines:
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Hello mollyn126, Can you please try using the a!colorSchemeCustom() function and customize the colors based on your requirement.
Example :
colorScheme: a!colorSchemeCustom(colors: {"#3c78d8","#FF0000","#6aa84f",
This didn't work either, as the color was not set for each case status, if there is only 1 legend on the chart, the first color will be applied despite the status name...