How to save multiple Local! variables to rule inputs with record type ri!record.Recordtype

Hi all

I am able to save a local variable defined in an interface into a ri! in the submit button

buttons: a!buttonLayout(
      primaryButtons: {
          label: "Submit Request",
          value: local!hiringmanager,
          saveinto: {
          ri!record['recordType!NJW NewJoiner.fields.hiringmanager']

          submit: true,
          style: "PRIMARY"

How is the syntax to do the same for multiple local variables that have to be saved into some ri!record.Recordtype.field

any suggestions really appreciated

thank you


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Parents Reply Children
  • Thank you very useful. However in the documentation is never shows an example where it saves in a ri!

    For completeness I solved with this syntax and also I noticed that the value is being saved without need of a saveinto with the addition of save! whereas the other local variables require the a!save


     buttons: a!buttonLayout(
          primaryButtons: {
              label: "Submit Request",
              value: local!hiringmanager,
              saveinto: {
                ri!record['recordType!NJW NewJoiner.fields.hiringmanager'],
                 target:ri!record['recordType!NJW NewJoiner.fields.addedby'],
               target:ri!record['recordType!NJW NewJoiner.fields.businessmanagerapprover'],
               value: local!HMs_Manager),
                 target:ri!record['recordType!NJW NewJoiner.fieldsaddedon'],
              submit: true,
              style: "PRIMARY"

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to catev8891

    As the documentation describes, by default, a component saves its value into one or more variables or rule inputs liste in saveInto. In case you want to store other values, you need to use a!save().