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Interface, grid validations


I have an interface with editable grid (a!gridLayout) where I am trying to add a new row with required elements when user clicks on "Add Dcoument".

I have to achieve the below requirements. Not 100% sure whether it can be done or not.

1. If any one of the field / element filled with data, other fields/elements should be filled with. 

2. Also, there should not be any row with empty empty fields/elements.

When I try to write a validation in the Document Title field, then it is applying to all the rows of that field when I click on the "Add Document". Not sure how to handle for row by row.

 required: if(a!isNotNullOrEmpty(ri!Documents.documenttype),true(),false())

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    The "required" setting for the Title text entry would need to be based on that row's document Type selection - at the moment you're basing it on the value of the entire array, which won't really work well.  It should be something along the lines of "fv!item.documentType" in your example.  Basically the same thing that you're (hopefully) saving the row-specific document type value into.

  • Thanks Mike for providing an idea to handle the validations in this scenario..

    Is there away we can handle if entire row is empty. Is it advisable to handle at grid level or something at Process Model smart node level?

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to swapnar6405

    You need to initialize local!intakedocuments as an empty set ({}), not null.  The a!forEach() function properly handles an empty set, but if you pass a value of null(), it'll assume that's an actual (empty) row with invalid properties, producing the error you're seeing.

  • Even after using empty set {}, I am getting same error.

    This error is occuring, then I try to add a new row by clicking on "add" link and after selecting an item in the first column drop down element value.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to swapnar6405

    You'll also want to replace this "save!value" (which is empty) with your CDT type declaration.  This will mean you're appending one row containing that empty CDT (instead of null) to the end of the array (which, when the array is starting blank, will mean it's just an array of a single empty copy of htat CDT, which is what you'llw ant).

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to swapnar6405

    Also, sorry i didn't notice this before - you'll have to rework your saveIntos to remove this.  This won't work the way you think it will.  You should be relying on the individual fields to save their own properties into the CDT.

  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to swapnar6405

    I made you a fixed example (with stuff slightly reworked to not require the rules / constant on your environment) which handles the saving of the local array into the rule input in the appropriate place (in the submit button) and properly handles intialization of the local array / etc. 

    (note I turned of the requiredness of the file upload field temporarily just to allow easier testing of the saveinto on the submit button click, which for now saves into a fake local variable called "exampleOutput", but in your real interface you'll change to save back into your Rule Input array).

      local!documentTypes: {
          description: "doc 1",
          documenttypekey: 1
          description: "doc 2",
          documenttypekey: 2
      /*rule!LCM_getDocumentTypes(documentTypeKey: null()),*/
      local!intakedocuments: {},
      local!itemscount: count(local!intakedocuments),
        DocKey: null(),
        IntakeHeaderKey: null(),
        documentid: null(),
        documenttitle: "",
        documenttypekey: null(),
        uploadedby: loggedInUser(),
        dateuploaded: now()
      local!exampleOutput: {},
        label: "Document Details",
        contents: {
            totalCount: count(local!intakedocuments),
            headerCells: {
              a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Document Type"),
              a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Document Title"),
              a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Document"),
              /* For the "Remove" column */
              a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "")
            columnConfigs: {
              a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "DISTRIBUTE", weight: 1),
              a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "DISTRIBUTE", weight: 1),
              a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "DISTRIBUTE", weight: 1),
              a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "ICON")
            rows: a!forEach(
              items: local!intakedocuments,
              expression: a!gridRowLayout(
                id: fv!index,
                contents: {
                    label: "DocumentType " & fv!index,
                    placeholder: "-- Select -- ",
                    choiceLabels: index(local!documentTypes, "description", ""),
                    choiceValues: index(
                    value: fv!item.documenttypekey,
                    saveInto: {
                          /*items: local!intakedocuments,*/
                          /*expression: {*/
                            /*documentid: fv!item.documentid,*/
                            /*documenttitle: fv!item.documenttitle,*/
                            /*documenttypekey: fv!item.documenttypekey,*/
                            /*uploadedby: loggedInUser(),*/
                            /*dateuploaded: now()*/
                    required: if(
                    label: "DocumentTitle" & fv!index,
                    value: fv!item.documenttitle,
                    saveInto: {
                          /*items: local!intakedocuments,*/
                          /*expression: {*/
                            /*documentid: fv!item.documentid,*/
                            /*documenttitle: fv!item.documenttitle,*/
                            /*documenttypekey: fv!item.documenttypekey,*/
                            /*uploadedby: loggedInUser(),*/
                            /*dateuploaded: now()*/
                    required: if(
                    label: "Attach LCM Document(s)" & fv!index,
                    /*target: cons!LCMDOCUMENTS,*/
                    maxSelections: 1,
                    value: fv!item.documentid,
                    saveInto: {
                          /*items: local!intakedocuments,*/
                          /*expression: {*/
                            /*documentid: fv!item.documentid,*/
                            /*documenttitle: fv!item.documenttitle,*/
                            /*documenttypekey: fv!item.documenttypekey,*/
                            /*uploadedby: loggedInUser(),*/
                            /*dateuploaded: now()*/
                    buttonStyle: "STANDARD",
                    required: if(
                      /*true(),*/ false(),
                  /* For the Removal Column*/
                    value: a!richTextIcon(
                      icon: "close",
                      altText: "Delete ",
                      caption: "Delete ",
                      link: a!dynamicLink(
                        value: fv!index,
                        saveInto: {
                            remove(local!intakedocuments, save!value)
                            /*remove(ri!lcmIntakeDocuments, save!value)*/
                      linkStyle: "STANDALONE",
                      color: "NEGATIVE"
            addRowlink: a!dynamicLink(
              label: "Add Document",
              saveInto: {
                  append(local!intakedocuments, local!blankRow),
            spacing: "DENSE",
            rowHeader: 1
        buttons: a!buttonLayout(
          primaryButtons: {
              label: "Submit" & local!itemscount,
              submit: true,
              style: "PRIMARY",
              saveInto: {
                  /*ri!lcmIntakeDocuments,*/ local!exampleOutput,
                    items: local!intakedocuments,
                    expression: {
                      documentid: fv!item.documentid,
                      documenttitle: fv!item.documenttitle,
                      documenttypekey: fv!item.documenttypekey,
                      uploadedby: loggedInUser(),
                      dateuploaded: now()
          secondaryButtons: {
              label: "Cancel",
              value: true,
              /*saveInto: ri!cancel,*/
              submit: true(),
              style: "NORMAL",
              validate: false

    Let me know if any questions.

  • Hi Mike,

    We are storing the data in a local variable. I am unable to pass this local variable data to a process Model. Because I am using this interface inside a milestoneField along with other interfaces.

    How I can save local variable data into the rule input so that I can pass data to Process Model and save further into a database.


  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to swapnar6405


    I included that in the example code I posted above, and mentioned it in my comment.

    In other words, you'll un-comment the rule input there, and get rid of local!exampleOutput completely.

  • I am using the milestoneField componenet in the main interface and I am using above defined interface for one of the tab. So, I don't have Cancel & Submit buttons in the individual form. In the above code screen shot, we are saving local variable data to rule input inside the "Submit" button. That is where my issue is.

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