RE: Custom Data Type

I have a doubt that,

If two CDT's are created for the same table(TCDT without new column and  previous cdt  with new column) and how can we  write to the db that CDT which is new cdt data and moved from existing table and taking primary key as a output  and writing it to db?

I am doing this Bcoz having a issue with the new column added to the table which is required.

Thanks in Advance.

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  • I think you need to be a little more clear on your situation.  You do list "2 CDTs created for the same table", and then list "moved from existing table".

    A CDT is a structure definition, from there you can populate a process variable of this CDT type with data.

    So you have CDT #1 with fields A, B, C, D.  You have some issue with column D so you created CDT #2 with fields A, B, C.  Is this correct?  Is this pointed at the same table or different?  Otherwise you should have no issues saving data with CDT #2 without column D included, it will just not reference column D in the table.

    As above if you populate CDT 2 the same as CDT 1 minus column D, it will otherwise act the same.

    I think if you could list the details of your use case one step at a time, that would be helpful.

  • I think you need to be a little more clear on your situation.  You do list "2 CDTs created for the same table", and then list "moved from existing table".

    A CDT is a structure definition, from there you can populate a process variable of this CDT type with data.

    So you have CDT #1 with fields A, B, C, D.  You have some issue with column D so you created CDT #2 with fields A, B, C.  Is this correct?  Is this pointed at the same table or different?  Otherwise you should have no issues saving data with CDT #2 without column D included, it will just not reference column D in the table.

    As above if you populate CDT 2 the same as CDT 1 minus column D, it will otherwise act the same.

    I think if you could list the details of your use case one step at a time, that would be helpful.

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