Hi Team I need help Right now if you see in the image I want a selection disabled condition in editable grid like if the status of the particular grid is "Completed", then the selectable checkbox should be disabled for the Particular row
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disableRowSelectionWhen:not( tostring(fv!row['recordType!{ea370d67-4cbd-48b2-83e6-364a2fd3eb7b}RecordType.fields.{63b7ed0f-368d-4f56-ac7a-f8d764cbc8e2}status'])="Completed"),
The question was selection disabled if Completed. Yours disables the selected when different from Completed, which is the opposite.
Anyway, disabledRowSelectionWhen is available for gridField, which is read-only grid, not editable one.
For editable one (gridLayout) I believe the parameter you're looking for is called selectionDisabled.
Thank you ....Yeah it is having a separate parameter within the grid