I am trying to implement tab with one of the column values in the table.
Ex. There is one column name -"years" and it has values like 2022, 2023, 2024. I want to create a tab with the option for each year i.e 2022,2023,2024 and it shows related records for that year. Can I use record type filter or is there any other way to do it?
Thanks in Advance!
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Fetch the year in the list and loop in using forEach to display a button or link act as a tab and on click of the respective tab display the content.
you can take refrence from this code ->
a!localVariables( local!datasubset: { /*your data*/ a!map(id: 1, name: "Aman", iq: - 1, dob: 2001), a!map(id: 2, name: "Shadman", iq: 10, dob: 2002), a!map(id: 3, name: "Tarannum", iq: 100, dob: 2001) }, local!tabs: union(index(local!datasubset,"dob",""),index(local!datasubset,"dob","")), /*tabs value from data/database, use union to avoid duplicates*/, local!selectedab, local!filteredData: if( a!isNotNullOrEmpty(local!selectedab), index( local!datasubset, wherecontains( local!selectedab, index(local!datasubset, "dob", "") ) ), local!datasubset ), /*filtered data accoring to selected tab*/ { /*tabs design - you can use card in columns too */ a!buttonArrayLayout( buttons: { a!forEach( items: local!tabs, expression: a!buttonWidget( label: fv!item, saveInto: a!save(local!selectedab, fv!item), style: if( and( a!isNotNullOrEmpty(local!selectedab), fv!item = local!selectedab ), "PRIMARY", "NORMAL" ) ) ), a!buttonWidget( label: "clear", style: "LINK", saveInto: a!save(local!selectedab, null) ) }, align: "START" ), a!gridField( data: local!filteredData, columns: { a!gridColumn(label: "", value: fv!row.id), a!gridColumn(label: "name", value: fv!row.name), a!gridColumn(label: "Iq", value: fv!row.iq), a!gridColumn(label: "Dob", value: fv!row.dob) }, rowHeader: 1 ) } )
Thank you! I have one more question, I want to display table in my tabs? how can I do that?
you can create a read only grid.
What exactly do you mean with "tabs"?