Show record action only in interface.

Certified Senior Developer


I created a record action "create new XXX" but i want it to be only shown in the interfaces i create. Not in the record list.

If i change the visibility of this record action to false it's not shown in the record list but also it's not visible in the interface i use it with.

ChatGPT says:

But there is not section called "availability" and no "show only in interface" option is to be found anywhere.

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  • Just a general suggestion - I would not rely on ChatGPT for steps on how to configure things in Appian. Although its response is confident, there are several things that are flat out wrong:

    • There are no configurations in record types for "properties panel", "Availability section" or "show only in interface option"
    • You don't publish record actions
    • You can't add actions to buttons

    If you have questions, I'd suggest relying on the Community here first! As long as you provide context for what issue you're having, I think the members of the Community will be more reliable than ChatGPT Slight smile

  • Just a general suggestion - I would not rely on ChatGPT for steps on how to configure things in Appian. Although its response is confident, there are several things that are flat out wrong:

    • There are no configurations in record types for "properties panel", "Availability section" or "show only in interface option"
    • You don't publish record actions
    • You can't add actions to buttons

    If you have questions, I'd suggest relying on the Community here first! As long as you provide context for what issue you're having, I think the members of the Community will be more reliable than ChatGPT Slight smile
