Hi Team,
I have 2 interfaces, one which hold only the calender icon and other one which formats the date.
1st interface AB_icon
a!richTextDisplayField( value: { a!richTextIcon(icon: "calendar-o", color: "SECONDARY"), })
2nd interface which formats the date AB_formatdate
In the main interface, for one of the field I used both the interfece( my requirement is displaying the calender icon and the formatted date)
rule!FST_c_readOnlyFieldDisplay( fieldName: "t Date", value: { rule!FST_c_dateWithIcon() & rule!FST_exp_formatDate( datetime: ri!record[], showtime: false ),
But the value is not getting displayed, instead the below is displayed.
Can someone please help here
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Since nobody else mentioned this specifically - "&" is the string concatenation operator. When you use it between the two other elements, it causes Appian to concatenate the contents of these into a string - that doesn't concatenate the output into a string, but rather concatenates the component code into a string - hence what you have in your original screenshot.
Yes correct.