Filtering information in tabs on an interface

I have a Summary view interface with tabs at the bottom that each display another Read-Only Grid interface displaying info from related tables. I need to be able to have the information on those tabs to only show the records related to the parent record being viewed on the summary view.  I know you can set filters at the Read-Only grid level on the individual interfaces, but at that point there is no parent record to reference so it returns an error. Does anyone have a way around this?

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  • This might provide more context also. This is the Summary Interface that the listing interfaces are being used. I need to filter the list showing in the tabs at the bottom of the interface to only show the child records associated with the parent record shown in the main part of the interface. Would that filtering be down at the List Interface level or somewhere on the summary interface? Note: we had to call interfaces into those tabs versus just adding read-only grids on the summary interface itself because we needed the added functionality of being able to select multiple records and delete multiple records, which as far as we know can't be done within the read-only grind component itself.

  • This might provide more context also. This is the Summary Interface that the listing interfaces are being used. I need to filter the list showing in the tabs at the bottom of the interface to only show the child records associated with the parent record shown in the main part of the interface. Would that filtering be down at the List Interface level or somewhere on the summary interface? Note: we had to call interfaces into those tabs versus just adding read-only grids on the summary interface itself because we needed the added functionality of being able to select multiple records and delete multiple records, which as far as we know can't be done within the read-only grind component itself.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to cls5469

    We got the whole context but were just requesting you to share what you have tried.

    You need to pass on the primary record's primary key to each of the child tab interfaces and there you will be querying only those child records which are associated with the primary record in the data parameter of gridField().

    For example in the queryfilter you pass something like,

      field: recordType!PSLM document.field.matterId,  /*related field for primary and child record*/
      operator: "=",
      value: ri!matterId,  /*from summary view interface*/
      applyWhen: a!isNotNullOrEmpty(ri!matterId)

  • I set up this record filter on the Document listing interface, where the field criteria is the primary key record as you mentioned. I believe it is working, for when I test the interface and put a 2 in the MainId input it returns 0 results because all the records are tied to MainId 1, but that is all I have in a way to test it for now. Is this not the same as what you did above? My expression mode does not show a section that looks like what you have, perhaps that is the difference? I appreciate your patience with this, I am still a novice with Appian but am under a deadline to figure this stuff out.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to cls5469

    It is same as what I did above. In the expression mode, if you check the data parameter in gridField() you'll find the code for the same.

    I believe now you have set it up just as you wanted, as you mentioned that there is only one row in main recordType so set the mainId to 1.

    Do you have any other concerns which I'm missing here?