I have a read only grid, which has various filters. For one of my filter, I have the different stages (New, In progress, Done). When the grid is viewed from the front end, I want to initially filter out the stage ( Done) and show the remaining stages.
In that case, when a user want to see the "Done" records, they can cancel out the filter.
Can someone help here.
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That would be a normal user filter defined in the record, with a default set to hide the done ones.
I am using an expression for my filter. In that case, under default option parameter in a!recordFilterList, how should I define it. Should I mention like below, so that it shows only the new and in progress ones and filter outs the done records?defaultoption: and("new","in progress").
Like here: docs.appian.com/.../fnc_system_a_recordfilterlist.html
I used a constant to refer to, and in expression rule it's working fine. But in front end, it's still not filtered out
From the naming convention of your constants it seems that you are passing list of integer values in Defaultoption,
instead pass list of String like: {"New", "In progress"}