PFB my code snippet. when i click on button my data in the readonly grid is not refreshing. The source is a expression rule which calls an integration to get the data to display in grid. Kindly provide suggestions.
a!localVariables( local!currentUser: rule!CORE_GetLoggedInUserName(), local!refreshCounter: 0, local!employees: a!refreshVariable( value: rule!PM_GetCurrentAddresses( tenantId: "77b50320-5f06-5740-84f4-18d4a8cda51d", identifierId: local!currentUser, serviceLocationId: "cac14c53-a058-4824-86dc-f24cea29b948" ), refreshOnVarChange: local!refreshCounter ), { a!buttonArrayLayout( buttons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Refresh", size: "SMALL", style: "SECONDARY", saveInto: a!save(local!refreshCounter, local!refreshCounter + 1) ) } ), a!gridField( labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", data: local!employees, refreshOnVarChange: local!refreshCounter, columns: { a!gridColumn( label: "Address Type", value: fv!row.addressTypeDescription, width: "MEDIUM" ), a!gridColumn( label: "Address Line 1", value: fv!row.line1, width: "MEDIUM" ), a!gridColumn( label: "City", value: fv!row.city, width: "MEDIUM" ), a!gridColumn( label: "State", value: fv!row.stateDescription, width: "MEDIUM" ), a!gridColumn( label: "Postal Code", value: rule!CORE_FormatZipCode(fv!row.zip) ), a!gridColumn( label: "Effective Date", value: rule!PM_FormatDate(fv!row.effectiveDate) ), a!gridColumn( label: "End Date", value: rule!PM_FormatDate(fv!row.endDate) ) } ) })
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a!localVariables( local!currentUser: rule!CORE_GetLoggedInUserName(), local!refreshCounter: 0, local!employees: a!refreshVariable( value: rule!PM_GetCurrentAddresses( tenantId: "77b50320-5f06-5740-84f4-18d4a8cda51d", identifierId: local!currentUser, serviceLocationId: "cac14c53-a058-4824-86dc-f24cea29b948" ), refreshOnVarChange: local!refreshCounter ), { a!buttonArrayLayout( buttons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Refresh", size: "SMALL", style: "SECONDARY", saveInto: a!save(local!refreshCounter, local!refreshCounter + 1) ) } ), a!gridField( labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", data: local!employees, refreshOnVarChange: local!refreshCounter, columns: { a!gridColumn( label: "Address Type", value: fv!row.addressTypeDescription, width: "MEDIUM" ), a!gridColumn( label: "Address Line 1", value: fv!row.line1, width: "MEDIUM" ), a!gridColumn( label: "City", value: fv!row.city, width: "MEDIUM" ), a!gridColumn( label: "State", value: fv!row.stateDescription, width: "MEDIUM" ), a!gridColumn( label: "Postal Code", value: rule!CORE_FormatZipCode(fv!row.zip) ), a!gridColumn( label: "Effective Date", value: rule!PM_FormatDate(fv!row.effectiveDate) ), a!gridColumn( label: "End Date", value: rule!PM_FormatDate(fv!row.endDate) ) } ) } )
Instead of changing the counter, why don't you just query the data again and save it in the variable? That will be much easier. Also, make sure that your rule - PM_GetCurrentAddresses, doesn't have a refresh variable configuration. If it has, then set it to refreshAlways: true.
Do you use a local variable in PM_GetCurrentAddresses? If yes, you need to add a refreshvariable using refreshalways set to true.
a!localVariables( local!pmAddressDetails: rule!PM_EP_CurrentAddressDetails( tenantId: ri!tenantId, identifierId: ri!identifierId, serviceLocationId: ri!serviceLocationId ), local!data: if( local!pmAddressDetails.success, local!pmAddressDetails.result.body.results, local!pmAddressDetails.error ), local!primaryAddress: if( length(local!data) > 0, index( todatasubset( index( local!data, intersection( wherecontains( true, toboolean(property(local!data, "isActive", "")) ), wherecontains( "S", touniformstring(property(local!data, "addressType", "")) ) ) ), a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: - 1, sort: { a!sortInfo(field: "endDate", ascending: false()), a!sortInfo( field: "effectiveDate", ascending: false() ) } ) ).data, 1, null ), null ), local!sortedAddresses: append( todatasubset(local!primaryAddress).data, if( isnull(local!primaryAddress), todatasubset( local!data, a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: - 1, sort: { a!sortInfo(field: "endDate", ascending: false()), a!sortInfo( field: "effectiveDate", ascending: false() ), a!sortInfo(field: "addressType", ascending: true()), a!sortInfo(field: "isActive", ascending: false()) } ) ).data, todatasubset( remove( local!data, wherecontains( touniformstring(local!primaryAddress.addressId), touniformstring(property(local!data, "addressId", "")) ) ), a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: - 1, sort: { a!sortInfo(field: "endDate", ascending: false()), a!sortInfo( field: "effectiveDate", ascending: false() ), a!sortInfo(field: "addressType", ascending: true()), a!sortInfo(field: "isActive", ascending: false()) } ) ).data ) ), local!sortedAddresses )
This is my code for rule!PM_GetCurrentAddresses where rule!PM_EP_CurrentAddressDetails is my integration call. As per you in rule!PM_GetCurrentAddresses where should i apply refreshalways set to true.Kindly suggest.
pmAddressDetails, and the cascading dependent variables.
wow! Its works. Thanks for your input guyz.
Amazing. Please consider verifying the answer so if someone faces the same problem, they can try the working solution.