a!localVariables( local!pressedButton: "cancel", local!getdata: rule!getRequestByID(ri!id), { a!sectionLayout( contents: { a!boxLayout( label: "Approval Form", labelSize: "MEDIUM_PLUS", contents: { a!columnsLayout( columns: { a!columnLayout( contents: { a!textField( label: "Comments", labelPosition: "JUSTIFIED", value: local!getdata[1].requestorComments, saveInto: local!getdata[1].requestorComments, refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS", readOnly: true, validations: {} ), a!dateField( label: "Start Date", labelPosition: "JUSTIFIED", value: local!getdata[1].startDate, saveInto: local!getdata[1].startDate, readOnly: true, validations: {} ), a!dateField( label: "End Date", labelPosition: "JUSTIFIED", value: local!getdata[1].endDate, saveInto: local!getdata[1].endDate, readOnly: true, validations: {} ), a!textField( label: "Email Addresses", labelPosition: "JUSTIFIED", value: local!getdata[1].emailAddresses, saveInto: local!getdata[1].emailAddresses, refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS", readOnly: true, validations: {} ) } ), a!columnLayout( contents: { a!textField( label: "Requested By :", labelPosition: "JUSTIFIED", value: local!getdata[1].requestorName, saveInto: local!getdata[1].requestorName, refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS", readOnly: true, validations: {} ), a!textField( label: "Requested Email :", labelPosition: "JUSTIFIED", value: local!getdata[1].requestorEmail, saveInto: local!getdata[1].requestorEmail, refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS", readOnly: true, validations: {} ), a!dateTimeField( label: "Requested On", labelPosition: "JUSTIFIED", value: local!getdata[1].createdOn, saveInto: local!getdata[1].createdOn, readOnly: true, validations: {} ) } ) } ) }, style: "#efefef", shape: "ROUNDED", padding: "STANDARD", marginBelow: "STANDARD", showShadow: false ), a!columnsLayout( columns: { a!columnLayout( contents: { a!buttonArrayLayout( buttons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Cancel", saveInto: { a!save(ri!submit, false), a!save(ri!requests, local!getdata[1]) }, submit: true, style: "NORMAL" ) }, align: "START" ) }, width: "AUTO" ), a!columnLayout( contents: { a!buttonArrayLayout( buttons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Approve", saveInto: { a!save(local!getdata[1].auditEmail, loggedInUser()), a!save(local!getdata[1].auditName,loggedInUser()), a!save(local!getdata[1].requestStatus,"Approved"), a!save(local!getdata[1].lastUpdatedOn, now()), a!save( local!getdata[1].lastUpdatedBy, loggedInUser() ), a!save(ri!requests, local!getdata[1]), a!save(ri!submit, true) }, submit: true, style: "PRIMARY", ), a!buttonWidget( label: "REJECT", value: "reject", saveInto: { a!save(local!pressedButton,"reject"), a!save(local!getdata[1].requestStatus,"Rejected"), }, style: "DESTRUCTIVE", disabled: false, ) }, align: "END" ) } ) } ) }, showWhen: local!pressedButton= "cancel" ), a!sectionLayout( contents: { a!boxLayout( label: "Rejection Comments ", labelSize: "SMALL", contents: { a!columnsLayout( columns: { a!columnLayout( contents: { a!textField( label: "Comment", labelPosition: "JUSTIFIED", placeholder: "Please Provide Rejection Comments", value: ri!requests.rejectionComments, saveInto:ri!requests.rejectionComments, refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS", validations: {} ) } ) } ) }, style: "#efefef", shape: "ROUNDED", padding: "STANDARD", marginBelow: "STANDARD" ), a!columnsLayout( columns: { a!columnLayout( contents: { a!buttonArrayLayout( buttons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Cancel", value: "cancel", saveInto: { a!save(ri!rejectCancel, false), a!save(ri!requests, local!getdata[1]), a!save( local!pressedButton,"cancel") }, submit: true, style: "NORMAL" ), a!buttonWidget( label: "Submit", saveInto: { a!save(local!getdata[1].rejectionComments,ri!Requests.rejectionComments), a!save(local!getdata[1].auditEmail, loggedInUser() ), a!save(local!getdata[1].auditName,loggedInUser()), a!save(local!getdata[1].requestStatus,"Rejected"), a!save(local!getdata[1].lastUpdatedOn, now()), a!save( local!getdata[1].lastUpdatedBy, loggedInUser() ), a!save(local!getdata[1].completedOn,now()), a!save(ri!requests, local!getdata[1]), a!save(ri!rejectCancel, true) }, submit: true(), style: "DESTRUCTIVE" ) }, align: "END" ) } ) } ) }, showWhen:local!pressedButton="reject" ) } )
upon clicking on reject , it will open form for entering rejection comments and after clicking on cancel it should redirect to approve reject form . it is happening in interface but in related actions , when I click reject it shows rejection comments form but upon cancelling it should display approve reject form instead it is redirecting to summary in records
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can someone please help me
You'll need 2 cancel buttons I believe (or a bi modal one).
One which returns you to the summary on the initial page.
And one on your rejection comments screen which returns you to the previous screen.
For the second scenario, you'll need to set submit = false on your cancel button.
And After approving the form , again the form is getting displayed in related actions . once we approve I believe we shouldn't see that form again .can you please help me
Do you have a user input task in your process by any chance?
I haven't kept any user input task
Then I have no idea why this is happening.
If you have a Record Action tied to a Process with a Start Form, you should return to summary if submit = true (the attribute not the rule input) on the button.