on page 1 on click of submit button am calling a Async service call which will return the data through calling Appian Web API and API is storing data to Maria DB. Meanwhile API is running user is forwarded to Page 2 on page 2 am dependent on the service call response which i called on page 1,as it was written to Maria DB how to get data from Maria DB to page 2 automatically without user action and can't use refreshVariable interval because not definite time on receiving response from service
did any one implemented Async service calls in their work? if yes please let me know how you implemented the process of receiving response and reflecting the same on interface
Thanks in advance
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That is not a great pattern for a good UX. But you probably know that already.
Well, a refresh would be the automatic option. Not sure why you do not want to use that. I would add a refresh button to keep the user's attention.
in my requirement I will receive response through Appian API and API will write to DB and on interface i have to query DB until i have response , I thought using refreshVariable with time interval wouldn't be good option because IN PROD we have this application around 800+ locations andif is use time interval refresh it will impact server , but recently i found out that we can conditionally give refreshVariable Interval by using fv!value
So currently am doing it and it is working fine
Thanks for your response.
How long does this API call take? If this is more than 30 seconds, make sure to make the refresh interval a long as possible to avoid any unnecessary refresh. And make sure the user knows that he has to wait a bit.
we should be getting response in less than 30 sec, am working with my client and making sure that they know that we can refresh with minimum 30 sec interval only
Hello rajesh pamisetty , I am working on similar use case, Can you please share how you use fv!value in this scenario. Was fv!value fetching data from a query?
Hi Girrajp,
please check this
Thank you rajesh pamisetty .