I'm in a discussion with a colleague on whether its legal to use {} to delimit nested variables in an if statement.
if( { this
and(or( isnull(local!shortRecon.recordsRequested), isnull(local!shortRecon.reconsiderationRequested) ), local!claim.claimStatusId<>cons!OWB_DBID_LOOKUP_ID_CLAIM_STATUS_FINAL_ORDER_ISSUED ) }, and this
{ this
if(isnull(local!shortRecon.recordsRequested),a!save(ri!recon.recordsRequested,false),{}), if(isnull(local!shortRecon.reconsiderationRequested),a!save(ri!recon.reconsiderationRequested,false),{})
}, and this {} )
Is this acceptable use?
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As curly brackets indicate a list in Appian, I would not do that. There are some ugly edge cases, almost impossible to debug.