Certified Senior Developer


How can i configure this can anyone suggest ?

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  • You mean this interface or this method of authenticating?

    If authenticating - Then you again have 2 ways. Email and SMS. For email, it is pretty simple, you generate a random 4-digit code, keep it saved in a variable and send it via Send Email smart service. Then when the user enters that code, you just validate that against the value saved in the variable. 

    For SMS, you have to use an external API like Twillio.

  • You mean this interface or this method of authenticating?

    If authenticating - Then you again have 2 ways. Email and SMS. For email, it is pretty simple, you generate a random 4-digit code, keep it saved in a variable and send it via Send Email smart service. Then when the user enters that code, you just validate that against the value saved in the variable. 

    For SMS, you have to use an external API like Twillio.
