Disabled in dropdown

Certified Associate Developer

Hi all, 

I have a dropdown field and have a condition for disbaled, based on that it will be disabled or not.
--> if it's not null or empty it's working fine

--> if it's null or empty, the dropdown is not disabled and I'm able to select a value for first time. Once I select the value, the dropdown gets disabled. ( since it considers that the field is not null and it's disabled. But I want the field to be editable) Can someone please help here.  

disabled: {
a!isnullormepty(ri!record[my dropdown field])


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    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to hema.mathivathanan
    I need the initial value to get stored. Based on which, I need to disable.

    Sorry, that's still super unclear.  Can you write out, in a list of steps, what you are hoping the user's experience will be?  When is "value from the external system" being loaded, and how (i asked this before)?  What are you expecting "the initial value" to be, and what do you mean exactly by "get stored"?

    for example, i'm hoping to see something looking like:

    1. the user loads the task, at first the Dropdown appears but has no selections and is DISABLED
    2. the user presses a button labelled "load external data" which sends an API call and gets back a list of results
    3. the API call results are stored into local!myApiCallResults
    4. the local!myApiCallResults will become selectable in the Dropdown Field
    5. the user is able to make a selection from the results, and that value is stored into ri!myRecordType[dropdownSelection]
    6. the dropdown should remain ENABLED, and the user can continue changing their selections, prior to SUBMIT being pressed.

    The above is a sequence I invented, and I intend it to be vaguely similar to your use case (per what I can discern from my point of view and details given so far), but with an assumption that I've gotten certain details wrong / backwards / etc.

    This is the amount of detail we need from you here in order to tell precisely what the User Experience is intended to be, with further details specifying exactly how and why the current experience is not matching what you had hoped for.
