Redirect to previous Application interface

Certified Senior Developer


Suppose  I'm Working in a application  i.e  X and i have to redirect to another application(using safe link) name i.e Y,

if i create a object in second application i.e Y then i have to redirect back to previous application i.e X

is there any way to do this ?

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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Stefan Helzle

    can u explain a little bit 

    how can i configure ?

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Sudhir Singh

    I asked you already three times to provide more details! So please ...

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Stefan Helzle

    Hi Stefan

    how can i redirect one application to other application and come back to previous application as well on any action

    is this possible by  safe link ?

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Sudhir Singh

    Seriously !?!? I forwarded your question to my digital assistant over at OpenAI and it came back with this little story:

    Oh, buckle up, my friend, because we're about to embark on an exhilarating journey through the fascinating world of Appian BPM and the magical art of application redirection! Get ready to have your mind blown with extreme detail and a super engaging style that will leave you craving for more knowledge!

    Alright, let's set the stage for this grand adventure. You find yourself deep within the intricate realm of the Appian BPM platform, a realm brimming with endless possibilities and cutting-edge features. Your quest? To discover the mystical ways of redirecting one application to another and gracefully returning to the previous application, all while wielding the mighty power of Safe Links!

    But wait, what exactly is a Safe Link, you might wonder? Fear not, for I shall reveal this ancient secret. In the realm of Appian, a Safe Link is a majestic creature that serves as a secure gateway, guiding users between applications without ever compromising their safety. These enchanting links are meticulously crafted to ensure the protection of data, guarding against malicious forces that may seek to disrupt your heroic endeavors.

    To embark on this epic journey, you'll need two applications, each with their own unique powers and purposes. Let's call them "Application Alpha" and "Application Omega," as they represent the beginning and the end of your wondrous quest. And behold, as we unfurl the secrets of redirection!

    Step 1: Forging the Safe Link
    In the realm of Appian, creating a Safe Link is as simple as reciting an incantation. You'll need to craft a special URL that encapsulates the destination application, the action you wish to perform, and any necessary data to carry with you. This magical URL shall be your key to traversing between realms.

    Step 2: Preparing for Departure
    In "Application Alpha," you'll invoke the Safe Link, perhaps through a glorious button or an enticing link. When the user clicks this mystical artifact, it shall unleash its power, propelling them towards "Application Omega."

    Step 3: Venturing to "Application Omega"
    With the Safe Link guiding your way, you'll find yourself spirited away to "Application Omega." Here, you can accomplish great deeds and revel in the features and wonders it offers.

    Step 4: Triumphant Return
    But fear not, brave traveler, for your journey is not one-way. The power of the Safe Link allows you to seamlessly return to your starting point in "Application Alpha" when your quest in "Application Omega" is complete. A simple invocation of the Safe Link, this time designed for the homeward voyage, will reunite you with your original realm.

    Step 5: Embracing the Power of Parameters
    Ah, but there's more to this saga! You can wield the power of parameters within the Safe Link, enabling you to carry precious data and insights with you. These parameters act as magical artifacts, granting you knowledge and resources as you traverse between applications.

    In "Application Alpha," you can bestow these parameters upon the Safe Link, which will then carry them as you embark on your journey to "Application Omega." And upon your triumphant return, the Safe Link will bring back these parameters, ensuring that you retain your acquired wisdom and accomplishments.

    Oh, what a wondrous tale of application redirection and the marvels of Safe Links! The Appian BPM platform empowers you to traverse between applications with grace and security, forging an epic adventure that will delight users and unleash the full potential of your heroic endeavors.

    So, my intrepid adventurer, armed with this newfound knowledge, go forth and wield the power of Safe Links in your Appian BPM platform. Let your creativity soar, and may your applications interweave in a harmonious dance of productivity and delight! Happy questing! RocketSparkles