Hello there,
I have a Upload field where user uploads 50 rows of 2 columns data from/csv onto form.
I have to read all those and display the data in editable grid before submission.
To achieve this i have used submitUploadedFiles function with empty process model to start on its button click.
Even though data displayed on Interface object correctly, throwing error on front end.
Please help me if i did something wrong.
Added code snippet for upload and button
a!columnsLayout( columns: { a!columnLayout( contents: a!fileUploadField( instructions: "NOTE: CSV file size cannot exceed 50 rows and should only include tickers and weights", target: cons!SRT_FOLDER_UPLOAD_CSV, maxSelections: 1, value: ri!document1, saveInto: ri!document1 ) ), a!columnLayout( contents: a!buttonArrayLayout( buttons: a!buttonWidget( label: "Read File", saveInto: { /*a!submitUploadedFiles(documents: ri!document1),*/ /*a!save(local!validTickers,*/ /*reject(fn!isnull(_),index(a!flatten(index(rule!SRT_INT_bmuMorningstarUniverse(*/ /*tickers:index(local!fileTickers,"ticker",{})*/ /*),*/ /*"result","body","Universe","Security",{})),"Ticker",{}))),*/ a!startProcess( processModel: cons!SRT_PM_UPLOAD_FILE, processParameters: {}, onSuccess: a!submitUploadedFiles( onSuccess: { a!save(local!submissionSuccessful, true), a!save( local!parsedFileData, index( readexcelsheetpaging( ri!document1, 0, a!pagingInfo(1, cons!SRT_INT_FILE_IMPORT_ROW_MAX), 2, null, true ), "data", "values", {} ) ), a!save( local!fileTickers, if( rule!APN_isBlank(local!parsedFileData), {}, a!forEach( items: local!parsedFileData, expression: a!map( ticker: if(fv!isFirst, null, fv!item[1]), allocation: if(fv!isFirst, null, fv!item[2]) ), ) ) ), a!save( ri!portfolioData1, append( ri!portfolioData1, a!forEach( items: remove( local!fileTickers, wherecontains( null, index(local!fileTickers, "ticker", {}) ) ), expression: { 'recordType!{5bf7f7cb-2b7c-430f-93b1-102a13b4f3af}SRT Portfolio'( 'recordType!{5bf7f7cb-2b7c-430f-93b1-102a13b4f3af}SRT Portfolio.fields.{cb090f37-4d4b-43f3-9393-8ceb1cba74a5}tickerOrCusip': fv!item.ticker, 'recordType!{5bf7f7cb-2b7c-430f-93b1-102a13b4f3af}SRT Portfolio.fields.{42f5fce0-6c85-488c-a1e6-ce2d5d14db86}productName': null, 'recordType!{5bf7f7cb-2b7c-430f-93b1-102a13b4f3af}SRT Portfolio.fields.{154478bd-35f2-4ef1-b0f2-81449e3fb855}portfolioVersionRefId': 10, 'recordType!{5bf7f7cb-2b7c-430f-93b1-102a13b4f3af}SRT Portfolio.fields.{277086ff-1613-4c0b-84e9-9932ba4f19bc}investmentType': null, 'recordType!{5bf7f7cb-2b7c-430f-93b1-102a13b4f3af}SRT Portfolio.fields.{df7e6b6d-508d-4a78-8d12-41372a07944f}isActive': true, 'recordType!{5bf7f7cb-2b7c-430f-93b1-102a13b4f3af}SRT Portfolio.fields.{1fc0f544-5ee9-4cdf-990a-e365e1a9d247}allocation': fv!item.allocation ) } ) ) ), }, onError: a!save(local!submissionSuccessful, false) ), onError: a!save(local!submissionSuccessful, false) ) }, ), align: "START", marginAbove: "MORE" ) ) } ),
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Malleswari T said:i have used submitUploadedFiles function with empty process model to start on its button click
Why would you do this? If you're not doing anything with the process model, don't use a!startProcess(). It's not needed for a!submitUploadedFiles() either way.
Initial thought was to see if this function works in first place and move things into process eventually.