Avoid concurrent updates from RA if it is having start form

Hi All,

Is there any way to avoid multiple users triggering same related action if it is having start form?

Thanks in Advance!

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Must the form be in the start node?  I'm sure there are better ideas, but the first thing that pops into my mind is:

    Have a lock flag in the record.  Check it as the first thing you do in the process, and if it's not locked, lock it, and then proceed with the process. 

  • Hey james. Thanks for the suggestion. But am not sure if we could use lock mechanism when action begins with start form.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Capt_Barbosa

    If you truly must...

    It's probably not a good idea, but I know you can use a!writeRecords from an interface.  You have to kick it off in an a!saveInto, though so you can't do it on load.

    You could give the user a BFB (Big Friendly Button), so that they could lock it themselves.

    Just an option...

  • Good option. But we have no control when user clicks cross mark which appears in start form by default. 

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