hi i am trying to save the value of "Account Balance" to calculate the dollar equivalent field.
i wrote the code below and tried to save the value of "dollar equivalent" in a local variable but the value stays NULL, i also tried to replace with rule input but that did not work.
any suggestions?
local!USD:ri!record['recordType!{e54cd4e6-9c62-49a2-82d6-965f3a86b2e7}SKJ Account.fields.{48c2c2cc-59fa-42cc-a496-c512f51c25bf}dollarEqu'], local!USDBALANCE: ri!record['recordType!{e54cd4e6-9c62-49a2-82d6-965f3a86b2e7}SKJ Account.fields.{a26624aa-6c8b-4ad4-b696-f52169531873}accountBalance'], local!dollar:ri!record['recordType!{e54cd4e6-9c62-49a2-82d6-965f3a86b2e7}SKJ Account.fields.{48c2c2cc-59fa-42cc-a496-c512f51c25bf}dollarEqu'], a!floatingPointField( label: "Dollar Equ", labelPosition: "ABOVE", value: a!match( value:local!Currencytype, equals: 1, then:{if(not(isnull(local!USDBALANCE)),(local!USDBALANCE/3.5),-1)}, equals: 2, then:{local!USDBALANCE}, equals:null, then:{false()}, default: then:{false()} ), saveInto:{local!dollar,a!save(local!USD,local!dollar)},
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Depends on what you want to do. If you are actually typing a value in the Account Balance field, this is what it would look like:
a!localVariables( local!currencyType: 1, local!record: a!map( USD: 0, USDBALANCE: 0, dollar: 0, ), local!usd: local!record.USD, local!usdBalance: local!record.USDBALANCE, local!dollar: local!record.dollar, { a!floatingPointField( label: "Account Balance", value: local!usdBalance, saveInto: { local!usdBalance, a!save( local!dollar, a!match( value: local!currencyType, equals: 1, then: { if( a!isNotNullOrEmpty(local!usdBalance), (local!usdBalance / 3.5), - 1 ) }, equals: 2, then: { local!usdBalance }, equals: null, then: { false() }, default: then: { false() } ) ), a!save(local!usd, local!dollar) } ), a!floatingPointField( label: "Dollar Equivalent", labelPosition: "ABOVE", value: local!dollar, saveInto: local!dollar ) } )
If you want to handle the case where you pre-populate these values and just save them back without you typing anything. It would be best to calculate them before sending them as rule inputs. Otherwise, you could also initialize them as local variables but you have to be sure to save them back into your rule input when you submit the form.
A couple of extra links that might help: