How can display the label of the choice and not the index in the grid . The data is being fetched form lookup table ( RECORD type),while the document table is a CDT.
example on how i display the dropdowns a!dropdownField( label: "Main Type", labelPosition: "ABOVE", placeholder: "--- Select a Value ---", choiceLabels:local!type['recordType!{myrecord} Main Type.fields.{myrecord}descEn'], choiceValues: local!type['recordType!{myrecord} Main Type.fields.{myrecord}itemCode'], value:ri!DocDetails.mainType, saveInto: {ri!DocDetails.mainType}, searchDisplay: "AUTO", required: true, validations: {} )
a!textField( value:fv!, saveInto:fv!, readOnly: true, align: "CENTER" ), a!textField( value: fv!item.docForm, saveInto: fv!item.docForm, readOnly: true, align: "CENTER" ), a!textField( value:fv!item.mainType, saveInto: fv!item.mainType, readOnly: true, align: "CENTER" ),
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I am not sure I fully understand your ask, but to display the labels from a lookup table, you can easily query related record data.