Is there a way we can catch exceptions in SAIL form? Something like try{}..catch

Is there a way we can catch exceptions in SAIL form? Something like try{}..catch{}...



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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    All you can do is make your SOAP/REST call in a rule that accepts a failure and somehow manipulates it into code that Appian doesn't consider to ever "Error".

    Since try() is undocumented, Appian officially does not have any form of error handling at all.  You have to make code that never errors, even if the thing it calls errors.

    People are serious about not using the undocumented functions.  Case in point, I swear at one point there was an undocumented catch() function, but I can't find it now.  I never did figure out what it did.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    All you can do is make your SOAP/REST call in a rule that accepts a failure and somehow manipulates it into code that Appian doesn't consider to ever "Error".

    Since try() is undocumented, Appian officially does not have any form of error handling at all.  You have to make code that never errors, even if the thing it calls errors.

    People are serious about not using the undocumented functions.  Case in point, I swear at one point there was an undocumented catch() function, but I can't find it now.  I never did figure out what it did.
