インターフェイスに複数の PDF ファイルをアップロードします。各PDFファイルの名前と一致するフォルダーにファイルを保存したい。
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Hi r7x7djutejjh0001 ,
First the file will be saved in common folder. Once you submits the form, inside the process model, please check the name of each file using document() function and then with respect to name of document, you can use Move Document Smart Service to move the document into its specific folder. Or easy way can be like if the number of types of files is less, have different upload fields for different types of files.
English, please!!!!
And to answer - Do you already have the folders will the matching names? Because to me, this looks like a really bad idea, to have a dedicated folder for every document. What is your use case that you are working on?
In Appian, we use folders to define specific security for classes of documents. As we typically store some meta data of the document to the database, there is no need to create a folder for each document.
If you are using a single fileUploadField to upload multiple files, you'll have to use the approach suggested by Sri Ram Kaja. Otherwise, if you have multiple fields, you could configure a different target for the each of the fields.