I upload multiple PDF files in the interface. I want to save the files in a folder that matches the name of each PDF file.
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For what purpose?
As you do not know the name of the file before uploading it, you cannot create the folder and hence, cannot assign it to the target parameter of the upload field.
So, you will have to upload all files to one temp folder, then create the target folders, and then, finally, move the files.
But .... why?!?!?
Thank you for your response.I apologize for the lack of explanation.
For example, when you upload different types of applications, you want to save them in the corresponding folders.
I tend to disagree. In Appian we typically store the file on disk and some meta data to the database. That meta data stores the reference to the application it belongs to. There is no need to create folders.
As soon as you need to implement a security container for each application, create one folder for each application, create a group for each application and only allow that group access to it.
So, folders are for security, not for organization. Typically ...
I wanted to read the filename saved in a rule variable and save it in a folder that was flexible to the filename, but this does not seem to be very common. Thank you very much.