milestone with save button and validation for each and every step.

Certified Senior Developer


 i want to create milestone with save buttons for each step and should have validation when go to next step. buttons should be aligned in same raw. can you please suggest me method not to complicate the code.


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  • Put all the buttons in button array layout or button layout and use show when conditons based on the active step

    put validation as true for primary buttons at the end of each step write saveinto on each button based on what you want to save.

    Put validation as false for back buttons so that while going back there won't be any issue

    Put submit true for the last page button so that form will be submitted

  • Put all the buttons in button array layout or button layout and use show when conditons based on the active step

    put validation as true for primary buttons at the end of each step write saveinto on each button based on what you want to save.

    Put validation as false for back buttons so that while going back there won't be any issue

    Put submit true for the last page button so that form will be submitted

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