As per my Requirement I need to use the Dual Picklist with Editable Grid in Interface instead with Dual Picklist with Checkbox Design Pattern.
So the issue here is
1.Currently i am having the 4 items in the available list
2. When i am selecting 1 & 4 the local variables is taking the respective data related to 1 & 4 and after clicking on the ADD SELECTED it moved to the Selected List local variable
3.Remaining items available 2 & 3 when i am selecting them it should consider as 2 &3 but instead it was consider as new iteration as 1 & 2
Now the issue here is when i am selecting 1,4 those needs to be added to selected list and after submitting these when i select 2,3 the items needs to consider as 2,3 instead of 1,2 and all needs to be append and display the data
a!localVariables( local!availableDataIndex, local!selectedDataIndex, local!availableList: rule!example().data, (record type) local!selectedList, { a!sectionLayout( contents: { a!columnsLayout( columns: { a!columnLayout( contents: { a!cardLayout( contents: { a!gridLayout( headerCells: { "" }, rows: a!forEach( local!availableList, a!gridRowLayout( id: fv!index, contents: { a!textField( value: fv!item['recordType!{63a0b9c7-fe03-4c99-8667-a1d9a63acf3f}DIL Users.fields.{e171b194-fd76-4716-b949-b321110771ea}userName'], readOnly: true() ) } ) ), selectable: true(), selectionStyle: "ROW_HIGHLIGHT", selectionValue: local!availableDataIndex, selectionSaveInto:local!availableDataIndex, validations: {} ), }, height: "MEDIUM_PLUS", marginBelow: "STANDARD" ) }, width: "MEDIUM" ), a!columnLayout( contents: { a!buttonArrayLayout( buttons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Add Selected", icon: if( a!isPageWidth("PHONE"), "chevron-down", "chevron-right" ), saveInto: { /* Add chosen available items to selected list */ a!save( local!selectedList, append( local!selectedList, index( local!availableList, wherecontains( local!availableDataIndex, local!availableList['recordType!{63a0b9c7-fe03-4c99-8667-a1d9a63acf3f}example.fields.{27db380a-2a73-451f-9a40-96a5c543624b}id'] ), {} ) ), ), /* Remove from available list */ a!save( local!availableList, remove( local!availableList, wherecontains( local!availableDataIndex, local!availableList['recordType!{63a0b9c7-fe03-4c99-8667-a1d9a63acf3f}example.fields.{27db380a-2a73-451f-9a40-96a5c543624b}id'] ) ) ), /* Clear out choices */ a!save(local!availableDataIndex, null) }, width: "FILL", style: "SECONDARY", disabled: or( a!isNullOrEmpty(local!availableDataIndex), count(local!availableList)=0 ) ), a!buttonWidget( label: "Add All", icon: "plus", saveInto: { /* Add all available items to selected list */ a!save(local!selectedList,append(local!selectedList, local!availableList)), /* Clear available list */ a!save(local!availableList, {}), /* Clear out choices */ a!save(local!availableDataIndex, null) }, width: "FILL", style: "SECONDARY", disabled: count(local!availableList)=0 ) }, align: "START", marginBelow: "EVEN_MORE" ), a!buttonArrayLayout( buttons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Remove Selected", icon: if( a!isPageWidth("PHONE"), "chevron-up", "chevron-left" ), saveInto: { /* Add chosen selected items to available list */ a!save( local!availableList, append( local!availableList, index( local!selectedList, wherecontains( local!selectedDataIndex, local!selectedList['recordType!{63a0b9c7-fe03-4c99-8667-a1d9a63acf3f}example.fields.{27db380a-2a73-451f-9a40-96a5c543624b}id'] ), {}DIL ) ), ), /* Remove from selected list */ a!save( local!selectedList, remove( local!selectedList, wherecontains( local!selectedDataIndex, local!selectedList['recordType!{63a0b9c7-fe03-4c99-8667-a1d9a63acf3f}example.fields.{27db380a-2a73-451f-9a40-96a5c543624b}id'] ) ) ), /* Clear out choices */ a!save(local!selectedDataIndex, null) }, width: "FILL", style: "SECONDARY", disabled: or( a!isNullOrEmpty(local!selectedDataIndex), length(local!selectedList)=0 ) ), a!buttonWidget( label: "Remove All", icon: "times", saveInto: { /* Add all selected items to available list */ a!save(local!availableList,append(local!availableList, local!selectedList)), /* Clear selected list */ a!save(local!selectedList, {}), /* Clear out choices */ a!save(local!selectedDataIndex, null) }, width: "FILL", style: "SECONDARY", disabled: count(local!selectedList)=0 ) }, align: "START" ) }, width: "NARROW" ), a!columnLayout( contents: { a!cardLayout( contents: { a!gridLayout( headerCells: { "" }, rows: a!forEach( local!selectedList, a!gridRowLayout( id: fv!index, contents: { a!textField( value: fv!item['recordType!{63a0b9c7-fe03-4c99-8667-a1d9a63acf3f}example.fields.{e171b194-fd76-4716-b949-b321110771ea}userName'], readOnly: true() ) } ) ), selectable: true(), selectionStyle: "ROW_HIGHLIGHT", selectionValue: local!selectedDataIndex, selectionSaveInto:a!save(local!selectedDataIndex,save!value), emptyGridMessage: " ", validations: {} ), }, height: "MEDIUM_PLUS", marginBelow: "STANDARD" ) }, width: "MEDIUM" ), a!columnLayout(contents: {}) }, alignVertical: "MIDDLE" ) } ) })
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Next time, please
This 1,2 vs 3,4 you mention is just the index of the items in the list. Not sure why that plays a role here !?!
Thanks for the Reply.
Those needs to return the index of primary key value. Since as per my requirement i need to use text field in the place of checkbox, we have choices value in it & we will provide our primary key for the labels since i am using text & no idea for me where to mention the primary value in the text field
You have that primary key in your list.
Even though there is primary it not adding the available items respectively in the selected item list. Please check below pics
1. 1 & 4 selected & added to the Selected List
2. 2 & 3 selected & added. Only 2 is moved to the selected list whereas 3 left in the available list as it is
In your code, you define the ID of your grid rows like this:
a!gridRowLayout( id: fv!index,
fv!index is just the number of the item in the list. When you select items, Appian stores that value. Then to move the selected items, you need exactly this values.
Change the code for the "Add selected" button like this:
### OLD ### a!save( local!selectedList, append( local!selectedList, index( local!availableList, wherecontains( local!availableDataIndex, local!availableList['recordType!{63a0b9c7-fe03-4c99-8667-a1d9a63acf3f}example.fields.{27db380a-2a73-451f-9a40-96a5c543624b}id'] ), {} ) ), ), ### NEW ### a!save( local!selectedList, append( local!selectedList, index( local!availableList, local!selectedDataIndex, {} ) ), ),
Tried but after clicking on the Add selected no data (empty) is storing in the Selected list Grid
I mixed up your variables. Try this.
a!save( local!selectedList, append( local!selectedList, index( local!availableList, local!availableDataIndex, {} ) ), ),
Yeah Got it & understood where I missed. Thank you