Hello everyone, I need help regarding Advanced Forms Utilities, exac

Hello everyone,

I need help regarding Advanced Forms Utilities, exactly POPULATE DROPDOWNS DYNAMICALLY. First of all, I have two CDTs.
The first CDT has one text parametar which is dropdown list, range parametar - boolean (yes/no), and ID. The second CDT has the same ID, and values which is the second dropdown.
I want this, when I choose text value from the first dropdown, the first ID to connect with the second ID and based on the second ID to show values in the second dropdown list. I want it on click and change.

Can I use this:
FormAPI.populateDropdown("dropdown6", ["GetBusinessOriginDetailsByOriginCode", FormAPI.getValue("dropdown5").id], "code", "description");

or this:

FormAPI.populateDropdownFromCDT = function(dropdown, expr, id_attr, display_attr) {
FormAPI.evaluateServerSideExpression(function(list) {

var ids = [];
var displays = [];
for (var i=0;i<list.length;i++) {



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  • The synax is correct. You are using the "populateDropdownFromCDT" function correctly. You should only set it for the "on click" event, unless there is some other javascript that changes the values of the dropdown and you want it to trigger this code at that point. That being said, I don't think that is what's causing the issue you are experiencing.

    Without knowing the details of your system like the structure of the CDT you are getting and your DB structure, it's hard for me to say what's the issue but I can try and guide you to find it.
  • The synax is correct. You are using the "populateDropdownFromCDT" function correctly. You should only set it for the "on click" event, unless there is some other javascript that changes the values of the dropdown and you want it to trigger this code at that point. That being said, I don't think that is what's causing the issue you are experiencing.

    Without knowing the details of your system like the structure of the CDT you are getting and your DB structure, it's hard for me to say what's the issue but I can try and guide you to find it.
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