Read only grid - 1 record with multiple values for 1 column

Certified Senior Developer

Hi All,

Does anyone know if in appian is possible to show "..." and it you put the cursor on top you see rest of text? when we have multiple values for one column of one specific record. For example I have a grid with multiple columns and one of them for each records has multiple values , like the user record has a column with "favorite colors" and each user has 3-4 colors. In grid I want to display only first color and .... so the height of row is not so big.

thanks in advance

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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Harshit Bumb (Appyzie)

    But I'm using fv!row[recordtype.field etc] , how can I make the value to only show the first value only?

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Maria

    value: if(len(fv!row.value) > 10, left(fv!row.value, 10) & "...", fv!row.value)

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Harshit Bumb (Appyzie)

    I also suggest using a Rich Text Icon (maybe set to the "info" icon) with a caption set to the remaining text.  Also sometimes I'll make the "..." a dynamic link to expand the value for just that row.  The options are luckily pretty wide-open.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Mike Schmitt

    when I use this it shows each value like blue, red green blue....., red green blue...., red green blue... The tooltip is working fine but the value is showing repeated 

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Maria

    I assume you adjusted my example code to actually reflect your data structure?  Can you post a code snippet and/or screenshot of what you currently have?

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Mike Schmitt

      value: a!richTextDisplayField(
        value: if(
                 regionKey: fv!row['recordType!{04a9783cb7-4d51-b3ce-a347b0a390ea}regionkey'] ),
          ) > 10,
                 regionKey: fv!row['recordType!{04a9783cb7-4d51-b3ce-a347b0a390ea}regionkey'] ),
          ) & "...",
              regionKey: fv!row['recordType!{04a9783cb7-4d51-b3ce-a347b0a390ea}regionkey']
        tooltip: index(
            regionKey: fv!row['recordType!{04a9783cb7-4d51-b3ce-a347b0a390ea}regionkey']
      width: "NARROW_PLUS"

  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Maria

    I'd recommend against repeating the exact same query 4 separate times, just sayin'. (hint: we have local variables...)

    Also if you're using RecordType data, i'm unclear why you wouldn't have "description" as a column in the RecordType data, so you don't need to keep re-querying it?

      value: a!localVariables(
        local!description: property(
          rule!AM_getRegion( regionKey: fv!row['recordType!{04a9783cb7-4d51-b3ce-a347b0a390ea}'] ),
          value: if(
            len(local!description) > 10,
            left(local!description, 10) & "...",
          tooltip: local!description
      width: "NARROW_PLUS"

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Mike Schmitt

    its because its a mapping table one with the actual description and then the other with the key, each key is different based on the row

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Maria
    its a mapping table one with the actual description and then the other with the key, each key is different based on the row

    Are you using modern / synced record types?  Because if so, like I mentioned, you should be able to add a record relationship to the mapping table, and thus get the description to just come through as a column.

    Otherwise, the code I've provided above shows how to do the query once instead of repeating it 4 times (and it makes the code considerably more readable at the same time).

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Mike Schmitt

    even doing it the way of mapping the relationship the values keep repeating themselves

     value: a!richTextDisplayField(
        value: if(
          len(fv!row['recordType!{04a978d2-3e47-4d42-93d0-bd6d7cf7fd32}MA Color.relationships.{b9049f61-821d-4b2c-ac4a-284e7d4e8011}.relationships.{de4b16af-de71-4696-8b32-16ca9f1ca1c1}.fields.{db58f262-cc95-41a1-92e5-7d17e351c2d6}description']) > 10,
          left(fv!row['recordType!{04a978d2-3e47-4d42-93d0-bd6d7cf7fd32}MA Color.relationships.{b9049f61-821d-4b2c-ac4a-284e7d4e8011}.relationships.{de4b16af-de71-4696-8b32-16ca9f1ca1c1}.fields.{db58f262-cc95-41a1-92e5-7d17e351c2d6}description'], 10) & "...",
          fv!row['recordType!{04a978d2-3e47-4d42-93d0-bd6d7cf7fd32}MA Color.relationships.{b9049f61-821d-4b2c-ac4a-284e7d4e8011}.relationships.{de4b16af-de71-4696-8b32-16ca9f1ca1c1}.fields.{db58f262-cc95-41a1-92e5-7d17e351c2d6}description']
        tooltip:fv!row['recordType!{04a978d2-3e47-4d42-93d0-bd6d7cf7fd32}MA Color.relationships.{b9049f61-821d-4b2c-ac4a-284e7d4e8011}.relationships.{de4b16af-de71-4696-8b32-16ca9f1ca1c1}.fields.{db58f262-cc95-41a1-92e5-7d17e351c2d6}description']
      width: "NARROW_PLUS"