Can I have multiple validation groups for the one sail component?
Considering I have Field A, Field B, and 3 buttons. Field A is mandatory for 2 buttons Button_A and Button_B. How to achieve this?
{ a!columnsLayout( columns: { a!columnLayout( contents: { a!textField( label: "Name", labelPosition: "ABOVE", saveInto: {}, required: true, refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS", validationGroup: { "Button_A", "Button_B" } ), a!textField( label: "Mobile Number", labelPosition: "ABOVE", saveInto: {}, required: true(), refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS", validations: {}, validationGroup: "Button B" ) } ), } ), a!buttonArrayLayout( buttons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Button A", style: "NORMAL", submit: true(), validationGroup: "Button_A" ), a!buttonWidget( label: "Button B", style: "NORMAL", submit: true(), validationGroup: "Button_B" ), a!buttonWidget( label: "Button C", style: "NORMAL", submit: true(), validationGroup: "Button_C" ) }, align: "START" ) }
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Hi Keerthanakr , I hope ,I have understood your requirement correctly. I updated the code, which you can try. Here, Button_A and Button_B will check requiredness for "Name" textField. Whereas, Button_C will check requiredness for "Mobile_Number" textfField.
a!localVariables( local!name, local!number, { a!columnsLayout( columns: { a!columnLayout( contents: { a!textField( label: "Name", labelPosition: "ABOVE", saveInto: local!name, value: local!name, required: true, refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS", validationGroup: "Name_Condition", ), a!textField( label: "Mobile Number", labelPosition: "ABOVE", value: local!number, saveInto: local!number, required: true(), refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS", validations: {}, validationGroup: "MobNumber_Condition" ) } ), } ), a!buttonArrayLayout( buttons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Button A", style: "", submit: true(), validationGroup: "Name_Condition" ), a!buttonWidget( label: "Button B", style: "", submit: true(), validationGroup: "Name_Condition" ), a!buttonWidget( label: "Button C", style: "", submit: true(), validationGroup: "MobNumber_Condition" ) }, align: "START" ) } )
This will be the ideal way of achieving this. Instead of having one validation group per button, you should have one validation group per field and then use it in the required buttons.