Hi All,
Does anyone know if its possible to skip steps in a vertical milestone? What I mean is that the stamp can stay grayed out based on a value, and then if it was skipped only the first and third would be green, is this possible? I have tried a few things but it still keeps the linear flow.
Like in this case if I went from claim filed to estimate issued , all 3 stamps are green, I would want Green - grey - green because technically the second one didn't happen.
or another option could be to hide the middle stamp too. but not sure if that can be done.
{ a!localVariables( local!verticalSteps: { a!map(name: "Claim Filed", icon: "archive", date: today() - 5, isCompleted: true), a!map(name: "Vehicle Inspected", icon: "search", date: today() - 4, isCompleted: true), a!map(name: "Estimate Issued", icon: "file-text-o", date: null, isCompleted: false), a!map(name: "Payment Sent", icon: "money", date: null, isCompleted: false), a!map(name: "Claim Closed", icon: "stamp", date: null, isCompleted: false) }, a!sectionLayout( label: "Claim Progress", labelSize: "MEDIUM", labelColor: "STANDARD", contents: { a!forEach( items: local!verticalSteps, expression: { a!columnsLayout( columns: { a!columnLayout( contents: { if( fv!item.isCompleted, a!stampField( labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", icon: "check", backgroundColor: "POSITIVE", contentColor: "STANDARD", size: "TINY", align: "CENTER", marginBelow: "NONE", accessibilityText: "Completed Step" ), a!stampField( labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", icon: fv!item.icon, backgroundColor: "#d9d9d9", contentColor: "#666666", size: "TINY", align: "CENTER", marginBelow: "NONE", accessibilityText: "Future Step" ) ) }, width: "EXTRA_NARROW" ), a!columnLayout( contents: { a!richTextDisplayField( labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", value: { a!richTextItem( text: fv!item.name, size: "STANDARD", style: if( fv!item.isCompleted, "STRONG", "PLAIN" ) ) }, preventWrapping: true, marginBelow: "NONE" ), a!richTextDisplayField( labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", value: { a!richTextItem( text: text(fv!item.date, "MMMM D"), size: "SMALL" ) }, preventWrapping: true, showWhen: fv!item.isCompleted, marginBelow: "NONE" ) } ) }, alignVertical: "MIDDLE", marginAbove: if( fv!isFirst, "STANDARD", "NONE" ), marginBelow: "NONE", spacing: "NONE", stackWhen: "NEVER" ), a!columnsLayout( columns: { a!columnLayout( contents: { a!imageField( labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", images: { a!documentImage( document: a!EXAMPLE_VERTICAL_CONNECTOR_IMAGE() ) }, size: "TINY", align: "CENTER" ) }, width: "EXTRA_NARROW" ), a!columnLayout() }, alignVertical: "MIDDLE", showWhen: not(fv!isLast), marginBelow: "NONE", spacing: "NONE", stackWhen: "NEVER" ) } ) } ) ) }
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Hi Maria
it can be possible but after completing certain step in you code you need to update the isCompleted to true.
{ a!localVariables( local!verticalSteps: { a!map(name: "Claim Filed", icon: "archive", date: today() - 5, isCompleted: true), a!map(name: "Vehicle Inspected", icon: "search", date: today() - 4, isCompleted: true), a!map(name: "Estimate Issued", icon: "file-text-o", date: null, isCompleted: false), a!map(name: "Payment Sent", icon: "money", date: null, isCompleted: false()), a!map(name: "Claim Closed", icon: "stamp", date: null, isCompleted: true()) }, a!sectionLayout( label: "Claim Progress", labelSize: "MEDIUM", labelColor: "STANDARD", contents: { a!forEach( items: local!verticalSteps, expression: { a!columnsLayout( columns: { a!columnLayout( contents: { if( fv!item.isCompleted, a!stampField( labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", icon: "check", backgroundColor: "POSITIVE", contentColor: "STANDARD", size: "TINY", align: "CENTER", marginBelow: "NONE", accessibilityText: "Completed Step" ), a!stampField( labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", icon: fv!item.icon, backgroundColor: "#d9d9d9", contentColor: "#666666", size: "TINY", align: "CENTER", marginBelow: "NONE", accessibilityText: "Future Step" ) ) }, width: "EXTRA_NARROW" ), a!columnLayout( contents: { a!richTextDisplayField( labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", value: { a!richTextItem( text: fv!item.name, size: "STANDARD", style: if( fv!item.isCompleted, "STRONG", "PLAIN" ) ) }, preventWrapping: true, marginBelow: "NONE" ), a!richTextDisplayField( labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", value: { a!richTextItem( text: if( a!isNotNullOrEmpty(fv!item.date), text(fv!item.date, "MMMM D"), "-" ), size: "SMALL" ) }, preventWrapping: true, showWhen: fv!item.isCompleted, marginBelow: "NONE" ) } ) }, alignVertical: "MIDDLE", marginAbove: if( fv!isFirst, "STANDARD", "NONE" ), marginBelow: "NONE", spacing: "NONE", stackWhen: "NEVER" ), a!columnsLayout( columns: { a!columnLayout( contents: { a!imageField( labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", images: { a!documentImage( document: a!EXAMPLE_VERTICAL_CONNECTOR_IMAGE() ) }, size: "TINY", align: "CENTER" ) }, width: "EXTRA_NARROW" ), a!columnLayout() }, alignVertical: "MIDDLE", showWhen: not(fv!isLast), marginBelow: "NONE", spacing: "NONE", stackWhen: "NEVER" ) } ) } ) ) }