How can we assign a boolean value to null

if the outageEligible (boolean) is false , then I need to null the value for outage(boolean) 

if(rule!GBL_isnull(ri!outageEligible,false()) , a!save(ri!ouage,null(), a!save(null(),null())) 

above is the code , I am using. But it is not working 

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  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer


    a!save( target, value)

    In interface saveInto parameters, updates the target with the given value. Use a!save for each item that you want to modify or alter in a saveInto parameter. This function has no effect when called outside of a component (saveInto parameter).

    According to your question, you can give this a try based on my understanding:

    If outageEligible is false, save null in the outage rule input; otherwise, not


  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer


    a!save( target, value)

    In interface saveInto parameters, updates the target with the given value. Use a!save for each item that you want to modify or alter in a saveInto parameter. This function has no effect when called outside of a component (saveInto parameter).

    According to your question, you can give this a try based on my understanding:

    If outageEligible is false, save null in the outage rule input; otherwise, not

