My use case is to have the ability to add, remove and reorder items in a list similar to what we see for defining the columns in a grid in interface designer.
Is something like this possible using SAIL? I would think so, but having a hard time envisioning this. Is it a series of cards with rich text-based links to manipulate the positioning? Thanks in advance.
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Hello dylanfulmer I guess, It can be done. You will have to play around with icons and dynamic links.
Below is a code that I have tried and is working fine. You can try updating id according to your requirement and check if it helps. Also ensure you follow best practices. I have missed few as I wrote the below as an example to show that it is doable in Appian.But what is the requirement? Displaying data will be a little complicated and you will have to figure out. I cannot do the part for data as I am using map. Are you planning to use this for an editable grid?
a!localVariables( local!columns: { a!map(name: "ID", index: 1), a!map(name: "Name", index: 2), a!map(name: "Age", index: 3), a!map(name: "Gender", index: 4), }, local!updatedorder: a!refreshVariable( value: todatasubset( local!columns, a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: - 1, sort: a!sortInfo(field: "index", ascending: true) ) ).data, refreshOnReferencedVarChange: true ), a!columnsLayout( columns: { a!columnLayout( width: "WIDE_PLUS", contents: { a!gridField( label: "Read-only Grid", labelPosition: "ABOVE", data: local!updatedorder, columns: { a!forEach( items: local!updatedorder, expression: a!gridColumn(label: fv!, value: {}) ) }, validations: {} ) } ), a!columnLayout( contents: { a!cardLayout( contents: { a!forEach( items: local!updatedorder, expression: a!localVariables( local!isEditable: false, a!cardLayout( shape: "ROUNDED", showShadow: true(), contents: a!columnsLayout( showDividers: true, columns: { a!columnLayout( contents: if( local!isEditable, a!textField( label: "Column Name "&fv!index, value: fv!, saveInto: { { local!columns[fv!index].name, } } ), a!richTextDisplayField( label: "Column Name"&fv!index, value: a!richTextItem( text: fv!, ) ) ) ), a!columnLayout( contents: a!richTextDisplayField( value: { a!richTextIcon( icon: "arrow-circle-up", link: if( fv!isFirst, {}, a!dynamicLink( value: fv!item.index - 1, saveInto: { local!columns[fv!index].index, a!save( local!columns[fv!index - 1], a!update( local!columns[fv!index - 1], "index", tointeger( index(local!columns.index, fv!index - 1, null) ) + 1 ) ) } ) ) ), char(09), a!richTextIcon( icon: "arrow-circle-down", link: if( fv!isLast, {}, a!dynamicLink( value: fv!item.index + 1, saveInto: { local!columns[fv!index].index, a!save( local!columns[fv!index + 1].index, tointeger( index(local!columns.index, fv!index + 1, null) ) - 1 ) } ) ) ), char(09), a!richTextIcon( icon: if(local!isEditable, "check-circle", "pen"), link: a!dynamicLink(value: if(local!isEditable, false, true),saveInto: local!isEditable) ), char(09), a!richTextIcon( icon: "times-circle", color: "NEGATIVE", link: a!dynamicLink( saveInto: a!save( local!columns, remove( local!columns, fv!index ) ) ) ) } ), ) } ) ) ) ), a!buttonArrayLayout( align: "CENTER", buttons: a!buttonWidget( width: "FILL", label: "Add Column", icon: "plus-circle", saveInto: a!save( local!columns, append( local!columns, a!map( name:"Column "&length(local!columns)+1, index:length(local!columns)+1 ), ) ) ) ) } ) } ) } ) )
dylanfulmer If the answer has helped you please verify the answers that were helpful and mark the thread as closed.