In user interface we have picker field defined in that if we select one userprofie and later we are calling another subinterface in which we are selecting some products from list and whatever we have selected will be moving to editable grid
For example in below screen
1.when we are selecting user we will have an option to selected products and link to editable grid which means selected products will be added under Linked products this details was defined in an other interface which we are calling to the current interface
2.If i am removing the user profile means the values from the Linked products which is defined in other interface also has to be removed but it was not removing
Please find the logic available under user profile
saveInto: { a!save( ri!record['recordType!{63a0b9c7-fe03-4c99-8667-a1d9a63acf3f}DIL Users.fields.{d05ec5c4-2ec2-45df-813f-59993f59acd5}profile'], tointeger(save!value) ), if( ri!record['recordType!{63a0b9c7-fe03-4c99-8667-a1d9a63acf3f}DIL Users.fields.{d05ec5c4-2ec2-45df-813f-59993f59acd5}profile'] = tointeger( a!groupsByName("DIL Business Administrators") ), a!save( ri!record['recordType!{63a0b9c7-fe03-4c99-8667-a1d9a63acf3f}DIL Users.relationships.{dce90eec-778e-4242-9525-6e284c59b8dc}dilProductUserTrans.fields.{c439a729-191b-48b1-8c03-00845980893a}access'], "AU" ), {} ), a!save(ri!userProfile, tointeger(save!value)), a!save(ri!productUserTrans, if( a!isNullOrEmpty(ri!userProfile), {}, ri!productUserTrans )) },
Logic available in Liked products
selectionSaveInto:{local!selectedDataIndex, if( a!isNullOrEmpty(ri!userProfile), a!save(local!selectedList, {}), local!selectedDataIndex ), /* Clear out choices */ if( a!isNullOrEmpty(ri!userProfile), a!save(local!selectedDataIndex, null), local!selectedDataIndex), if( a!isNullOrEmpty(ri!userProfile), a!save(ri!productUserTrans, null()), local!selectedDataIndex ) },
In the Main interface(where user profile define) the values are nullified but in the sub interface the values remains same
Please suggest on this
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Could it be that this component uses some local variables to manage state?