Hi , I am stuck with some logic here in color code, I need to represent variance column in amber colour ,if the varience is dropped to 50%. than actual value, Now this variance column is calculated with formula (actual-cov.threshold)/actual*100 so getting value is.How would I calculate that?I have used richtextDisplayfield
a!richTextDisplayField( value: a!richTextItem( text: fv!item.varience_txt, color: if( fv!item.varience_txt < 0, "NEGATIVE", if( fv!item.varience_txt > 0, "POSITIVE", if( (fv!item.varience_txt) < (fv!item.actualThreshold_txt * 0.5), "#FFBF00", "" ) ) ) ) )
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Not sure what your question is...
But, maybe the issue is that it seems like you store a numerical value as text. Now, trying to compare a text to a number will not really work all the time.